BugAs Charlie Russell details in his post for the Sleeter Group, the latest update for QuickBooks 2014 has introduced some bugs that include one affecting add-ons such as Method:CRM. Although Intuit pulled the faulty patches on June 20, they were released through both manual and automatic updates before then. If you are affected by this update, use the “Send Feedback Online” option in your Help menu to let Intuit know about problems as they work on a fix.

Charlie gives a rundown of the bugs in his blog post, but one of the most pressing for Cloud Consultancy is an issue with the QBSDK that is causing add-ons to return a variety of error messages. This includes Method:CRM, but they’ve got a solution lined up. From Method CEO Paul Jackson:

If any Method user has an issue when loading up the Method Integration Engine on their desktop, please contact us (support@method.me). We’ll give you a copy of the 14.0.4005 version of the QBXMLRP2.dll.

Method users might see a message throwing out 7 kinds of smoke, but likely starts with “Microsoft .NET Framework….System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘MethodIntegrationEngine.QuickBooks’ threw an exception. —> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8007007F): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {45F5708E-3B43-4FA8-BE7E-A5F1849214CB} failed due to the following error: 8007007f.
at MethodIntegrationEngine.QuickBooks..cctor()”

Keep an eye on Charlie’s post for the latest news, and if you downloaded the update and are having trouble with Method, be sure to get in touch with their support for the fix.